I am an American computer programmer and entrepreneur.

Here is an awkward interview with me:

Contact me via Twitter @jamiew or email "jamie@thisdomain.com"

I am @jamiew on GitHub and Twitter, jamiedubs on Discord, and jamiedubs on most other public social media (but generally not active)

I'm the co-founder and CTO of Glif, an "all-prompts, no-code" generative AI sandbox. We make it easy to combine different kinds of AI models into lil' multimedia mini-apps - text, images, audio, video and more.

Please get in touch if you see anything you like; I am always happy to talk.

I serve as a board member with the Helium Foundation, which helps build the Helium peer-to-peer telecommunications network, and the Center For Artistic Activism (C4AA), which trains and advises activists around the world.

Previously I was the Chief Product Officer at Kickstarter, where I led the engineering, product, and design teams.

From 2010-2016 I was the co-founder and CEO of VHX, a platform for selling movies and TV shows directly to fans. In 2016 we were acquired by Vimeo, and the product is now known as Vimeo OTT. We had the privilege of working with thousands of small businesses, as well as well-known artists like Dave Grohl, Kevin Hart, This American Life, Grace Helbig and more. The company was backed by investors like Union Square Ventures, Comcast Ventures, Lerer Ventures, Chris Sacca, Alexis Ohanian and more.

In 2008, I helped create Know Your Meme, a community-edited database of Internet culture. "Like Wikipedia, but cooler." We also produced a web show where we would dress up in lab coats and explain the stories behind notable memes. Some of my favorite episodes are embedded below. The site was acquired by the Cheezburger Network in 2011, and remains a popular destination for anyone trying to understand wtf their kids are talking about.

Know Your Meme website screenshot

In 2010 I won a Primetime Emmy for my work on the crowdsourced movie Star Wars Uncut – "Outstanding Achievement in Interactive Media". We chopped the original Star Wars movie into 15 second pieces and invited the Internet to recreate them, one scene at a time. The project was created by Casey Pugh, my co-founder at VHX.

From 2007 until we shut it down in 2016 I was a member of the open-source art collective FAT Lab (Free Art & Technology), a group of designers, hackers, and activists "releasing early, often and w/ rap music."

I contributed to lots of small and large projects with the group, including Graffiti Markup Language, Google Alarm, Internet Famous Class, occupyinter.net, FuckFlickr, The Kanye Rant Detector, and many more.

Here's the crew with the fake Google Street View car we built in 2015:

I love open-source software and publish as much code as possible on github.com/jamiew

Here is an incomplete list of other projects:

Here are some more lists I'm working on:

• List of press mentions

• List of exhibitions

Here's some videos I've helped make:

Know Your Meme episodes (2007-2010)

Star Wars Uncut (2010)

Empire Uncut (2015)

FAT Lab projects (2007-2015)

000000book - Graffiti Markup Language database (2010)

Occupyinter.net (2012)

Google Alarm (2010)

Meme Breaks (2008)

Obama Wikipedia page edits (2008)

Hard Drive Bombs (2007)


XOXO Festival (2012) - VHX

Vimeo Festival (2011) - "Internet Fame, Easy as 1 2 3"

TEDxSOMA (2010) - Google Alarm

Internet Famous Class on NBC (2008)

VHX (2010-2017)

Animation & art direction by Erica Gorochow:

Animations mostly by Kornhaber Brown with sound design by Mike Rugnetta and Bryan Pugh
